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Economics (As Level) Cambridge/Edexcel
Introduction to the course
Welcome and Introduction to the course (4:49)
Economics AS Book
Short definition booklet - course revision book
Notes of A* Student
Course Ebook
Interactive Past-paper practice exercise
Practice Exercise - Paper 1 - March 2019
Practice Exercise - Paper 2 - March 2019
P2 - Paper, insert with Markscheme
Chapter 1: Video lecture & Practice Quizzes - Basic Economic Idea and Resource Allocation
Topic 1: Economic Problem, Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost (13:46)
Topic 2: Production Possibility Curve (25:04)
Quiz 1
Topic-wise MCQ Questions - (solved & explained) Chapter 1 (11:45)
Chapter 2: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Price system and Microeconomics
Topic 3: Demand (45:20)
Quiz: Demand
Topic 4: Supply (24:45)
Quiz: Supply
Topic 5: Market Equilibrium, Labour Market, Foreign exchange market (37:06)
Topic 6: Comperative Static Analysis (13:20)
Topic 7: Elasticity of Demand (30:14)
Topic 8: Elasticity of Supply (9:35)
Quiz: Market Equilibrium and Elasticity
Presentation - Demand and Supply
Topic-wise MCQ Questions - (solved & explained) Chapter 2 (19:41)
Chapter 3: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Government Intervention in Microeconomics
Topic 9: Minimum and Maximum Pricing (16:19)
Topic 10: How can Government raise revenue (2:42)
Topic 10 cont; Public expenditure (5:20)
Quiz: Public expenditure
Topic 10 cont: Tax (12:07)
Topic 10 cont: Direct and Indirect Taxes (16:20)
Topic 11: Canon of Taxation (5:20)
Presentation - Taxes
Chapter 4: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Macroeconomy
Topic 12 Aggregate Demand (27:19)
Topic 12A: introduction: Macroeconomic objective (6:35)
Demand side policy - Fiscal and monetary (24:29)
Demand side policy - presentation
Topic 13: video lecture: Aggregate Supply (Short term and long term) (16:29)
Topic 14 Inflation, CPI, RPI (15:16)
Topic 15: Cost push ,demand pull, hyper and deflation (7:40)
Inflation - presentation
Topic 16 Balance of Payments (30:00)
Presentation - Balance of Payment & Exchange rates
Topic 10 cont; Public expenditure
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